



MPhil Archaeology
MPhil Biodiversity, Conservation and Mgt17529.41%
MPhil Buddhist Studies24937.50%
MPhil Celtic Studies
MPhil Classical Archaeology141071.43%
MPhil Classical Indian Religion21733.33%
MPhil Comparative Social Policy27518.52%
MPhil Cuneiform Studies15853.33%
MPhil Development Studies2947625.85%
MPhil Eastern Christian Studies
MPhil Economic and Social History26934.62%
MPhil Economics67720930.87%
MPhil Economics (2+2)
MPhil Egyptology13430.77%
MPhil English Studies (Medieval)10440.00%
MPhil Environmental Change and Management28414.29%
MPhil Evidence-Based Soc Int and Pol Eva29931.03%
MPhil Gen Linguistics and Comp Philology
MPhil Global and Area Studies
MPhil Greek and/or Latin Lang and Lit161062.50%
MPhil Greek and/or Roman History181266.67%
MPhil History - British and Euro Hist 1700-1850< 3< 3
MPhil History - Early Modern History 1500-17008562.50%
MPhil History - History of War12650.00%
MPhil History - Intellectual History9666.67%
MPhil History - Medieval History5< 3
MPhil History - Modern British Hist 1850-prsnt7571.43%
MPhil History - Modern European Hist 1850-prsnt13646.15%
MPhil History - US History10440.00%
MPhil History - Women's, Gender and Queer History
MPhil History of Sci, Med and Tech< 3< 3
MPhil International Relations2794917.56%
MPhil Islamic Art and Archaeology15320.00%
MPhil Islamic Art and Architecture
MPhil Islamic Studies and History381436.84%
MPhil Japanese Studies12866.67%
MPhil Jewish Studies6< 3
MPhil Jewish Studies in Gr/Rom Period< 3< 3
MPhil Judaism and Christianity in G/R Wrld6350.00%
MPhil Late Antique and Byzantine Studies10880.00%
MPhil Latin American Studies8675.00%
MPhil Law1113027.03%
MPhil Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics593050.85%
MPhil Medical Anthropology9777.78%
MPhil Modern Chinese Studies27829.63%
MPhil Modern Languages211466.67%
MPhil Modern Middle Eastern Studies722534.72%
MPhil Modern South Asian Studies13753.85%
MPhil Music (Composition)5< 3
MPhil Music (Musicology)241041.67%
MPhil Music (Performance)3< 3
MPhil Nature, Society and Environmental Governance26415.38%
MPhil Philosophical Theology23521.74%
MPhil Politics: Comparative Government792936.71%
MPhil Politics: European Pol and Soc392051.28%
MPhil Politics: Political Theory1152723.48%
MPhil Russian and East European Studies401947.50%
MPhil Slavonic Studies8< 3
MPhil Social Anthropology492244.90%
MPhil Socio-Legal Research29517.24%
MPhil Sociology & Demography281450.00%
MPhil Theology381744.74%
MPhil Tibetan and Himalayan Studies11545.45%
MPhil Traditional East Asia24729.17%
MPhil Visual, Material and Museum Anthrop10770.00%
MPhil Water Science, Policy and Management10< 3
MSc Advanced Computer Science7608711.45%
MSc African Studies974950.52%
MSc African Studies (1+1)< 3< 3
MSc App Linguistics and 2nd Lang Acqn (Full-time)1735431.21%
MSc Applied Landscape Archaeology13861.54%
MSc Applied Linguistics for Language Teaching442147.73%
MSc Archaeological Science201680.00%
MSc Archaeology694057.97%
MSc Biodiversity, Conservation and Mgt1534932.03%
MSc Clinical and Therapeutic Neuroscience1193428.57%
MSc Clinical Embryology633352.38%
MSc Clinical Trials (PT)1522013.16%
MSc Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
MSc Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (taught)
MSc Cognitive Evolutionary Anthropology311651.61%
MSc Comparative Social Policy1553925.16%
MSc Contemporary Chinese Studies1404733.57%
MSc Criminology and Criminal Justice1636338.65%
MSc Criminology and Criminal Justice (PT)10440.00%
MSc Digital Scholarship
MSc Economic and Social History832530.12%
MSc Economics for Development2677427.72%
MSc Education (Child Dev and Ed)1302720.77%
MSc Education (Comp and Int Ed)2143817.76%
MSc Education (Digital and Social Change)
MSc Education (Higher Education)792835.44%
MSc Education (Research Des and Meth)522955.77%
MSc Education (Research Design and Methodology) PT7457.14%
MSc Educational Assessment382463.16%
MSc Energy Systems2143214.95%
MSc Energy Systems (24 Months)10< 3
MSc Energy Systems (36 Months)9< 3
MSc English Local History
MSc Environmental Change and Management568529.15%
MSc Evidence-Based Health Care494489.80%
MSc Evidence-Based Soc Int and Pol Eva1824223.08%
MSc Experimental and Translational Therapeutics232191.30%
MSc Financial Economics87211212.84%
MSc Genomic Medicine
MSc Global Governance and Diplomacy460418.91%
MSc Global Health Science and Epidemiology4234310.17%
MSc Global Healthcare Leadership (PT)
MSc History of Sci, Med and Tech292068.97%
MSc in Applied Digital Health
MSc in Evidence-Based Health Care (MS)201890.00%
MSc In Evidence-Based Health Care (SR)11981.82%
MSc in Evidence-Based Health Care (TE)
MSc in Intellectual Property
MSc in International Human Rights Law
MSc Integrated Immunology1073330.84%
MSc International Health & Tropical Medicine2653613.58%
MSc Japanese Studies461634.78%
MSc Latin American Studies484491.67%
MSc Latin American Studies (1+1)
MSc Law and Finance33910932.15%
MSc Learning and Teaching6< 3
MSc Major Programme Management1098477.06%
MSc Math Mod and Scientific Computing2063416.50%
MSc Mathematical & Theoretical Physics2607227.69%
MSc Mathematical and Computational Finance2806021.43%
MSc Mathematical Finance
MSc Mathematical Sciences36713135.69%
MSc Maths and Fndns of Computer Science1173328.21%
MSc Medical Anthropology382257.89%
MSc Medical Education (PT)
MSc Microelec, Optoelec, and Comms - PT
MSc Migration Studies1874825.67%
MSc Modelling for Global Health
MSc Modern Middle Eastern Studies491632.65%
MSc Modern South Asian Studies743243.24%
MSc Musculoskeletal Sciences211466.67%
MSc Nanotechnology for Medicine and Health Care211361.90%
MSc Nature, Society and Environmental Governance2405623.33%
MSc Neuroscience1812413.26%
MSc Neuroscience (1+3)17463.45%
MSc Paediatric Infectious Diseases55100.00%
MSc Pharmacology1133833.63%
MSc Political Theory Research28828.57%
MSc Precision Cancer Medicine (PT)493265.31%
MSc Psychological Research (1+3)
MSc Psychological Research (Direct Entry)1701911.18%
MSc Public Policy Research
MSc Radiation Biology (1+3)6< 3
MSc Radiation Biology (Direct Entry)332781.82%
MSc Refugee and Forced Migration Studies2044321.08%
MSc Russian and East European Studies532445.28%
MSc Sleep Medicine151173.33%
MSc Sleep Medicine (PGDip conversion)33100.00%
MSc Social Anthropology1084440.74%
MSc Social Data Science2995618.73%
MSc Social Data Science (1+1)< 3< 3
MSc Social Data Science (1+3)15< 3
MSc Social Data Science (1+6)< 3< 3
MSc Social Science of the Internet2776222.38%
MSc Social Science of the Internet (1+1)
MSc Social Science of the Internet (1+3)30< 3
MSc Social Science of the Internet (PT)401742.50%
MSc Sociology1687544.64%
MSc Sociology (PT)12541.67%
MSc Software and Systems Security512447.06%
MSc Software Engineering875967.82%
MSc Statistical Science58311319.38%
MSc Surgical Science and Practice15960.00%
MSc Sustainability, Enterprise and the Environment
MSc Sustainable Urban Development624775.81%
MSc Taxation864956.98%
MSc Teacher Education382565.79%
MSc Theoretical and Comp Chemistry30930.00%
MSc Theoretical and Comp Chemistry (EPSRC CDT)
MSc Translational Health Sciences
MSc Translational Health Sciences (PT)271970.37%
MSc Visual, Material and Museum Anthrop772329.87%
MSc Water Science, Policy and Management1114136.94%
MSc(Res) Biochemistry36513.89%
MSc(Res) Chemical Biology7< 3
MSc(Res) Clinical Medicine
MSc(Res) Clinical Neurosciences< 3< 3
MSc(Res) Clinical Neurosciences (PT)
MSc(Res) Computer Science< 3< 3
MSc(Res) Engineering Science991515.15%
MSc(Res) Experimental Psychology (Direct Entry)11< 3
MSc(Res) Experimental Psychology (PT)< 3< 3
MSc(Res) Geography and the Environment
MSc(Res) Info, Comm, and Soc Sci< 3< 3
MSc(Res) Inorganic Chemistry7< 3
MSc(Res) Materials40410.00%
MSc(Res) Mathematics10< 3
MSc(Res) Molecular and Cellular Medicine8< 3
MSc(Res) Musculoskeletal Sciences5< 3
MSc(Res) Obstetrics and Gynaecology
MSc(Res) Oncology28621.43%
MSc(Res) Organic Chemistry15426.67%
MSc(Res) Paediatrics< 3< 3
MSc(Res) Pharmacology4< 3
MSc(Res) Physical and Theoretical Chemistry5< 3
MSc(Res) Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics10550.00%
MSc(Res) Plant Sciences
MSc(Res) Primary Health Care
MSc(Res) Psychiatry12650.00%
MSc(Res) Psychiatry (Part-time)< 3< 3
MSc(Res) Statistics27< 3
MSc(Res) Surgical Sciences6< 3
MSc(Res) Women's and Reproductive Health7571.43%
MSc(Res) Zoology< 3< 3







MPhil Archaeology
MPhil Biodiversity, Conservation and Mgt< 3< 3
MPhil Buddhist Studies6< 3
MPhil Celtic Studies
MPhil Classical Archaeology< 3< 3
MPhil Classical Indian Religion
MPhil Comparative Social Policy7< 3
MPhil Cuneiform Studies< 3< 3
MPhil Development Studies39< 3
MPhil Economic and Social History5< 3
MPhil Economics1624829.63%
MPhil Economics (2+2)
MPhil Egyptology< 3< 3
MPhil English Studies (Medieval)
MPhil Environmental Change and Management4< 3
MPhil Evidence-Based Soc Int and Pol Eva5< 3
MPhil Gen Linguistics and Comp Philology
MPhil Global and Area Studies
MPhil Greek and/or Latin Lang and Lit< 3< 3
MPhil Greek and/or Roman History< 3< 3
MPhil History - Early Modern History 1500-1700
MPhil History - History of War< 3< 3
MPhil History - Intellectual History
MPhil History - Medieval History< 3< 3
MPhil History - Modern British Hist 1850-prsnt
MPhil History - Modern European Hist 1850-prsnt
MPhil History - US History
MPhil History of Sci, Med and Tech
MPhil International Relations24312.50%
MPhil Islamic Art and Archaeology< 3< 3
MPhil Islamic Art and Architecture
MPhil Islamic Studies and History< 3< 3
MPhil Japanese Studies< 3< 3
MPhil Jewish Studies< 3< 3
MPhil Jewish Studies in Gr/Rom Period
MPhil Late Antique and Byzantine Studies
MPhil Latin American Studies
MPhil Law13< 3
MPhil Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics12325.00%
MPhil Medical Anthropology< 3< 3
MPhil Modern Chinese Studies4< 3
MPhil Modern Languages
MPhil Modern Middle Eastern Studies6< 3
MPhil Modern South Asian Studies< 3< 3
MPhil Music (Composition)
MPhil Music (Musicology)< 3< 3
MPhil Music (Performance)
MPhil Nature, Society and Environmental Governance< 3< 3
MPhil Philosophical Theology
MPhil Politics: Comparative Government12325.00%
MPhil Politics: European Pol and Soc< 3< 3
MPhil Politics: Political Theory9< 3
MPhil Russian and East European Studies4< 3
MPhil Slavonic Studies< 3< 3
MPhil Social Anthropology9< 3
MPhil Socio-Legal Research3< 3
MPhil Sociology & Demography16850.00%
MPhil Theology< 3< 3
MPhil Tibetan and Himalayan Studies4< 3
MPhil Traditional East Asia18< 3
MPhil Visual, Material and Museum Anthrop< 3< 3
MPhil Water Science, Policy and Management< 3< 3
MSc Advanced Computer Science1651810.91%
MSc African Studies6350.00%
MSc App Linguistics and 2nd Lang Acqn (Full-time)1041918.27%
MSc Applied Linguistics for Language Teaching7342.86%
MSc Archaeological Science< 3< 3
MSc Archaeology16956.25%
MSc Biodiversity, Conservation and Mgt9< 3
MSc Clinical and Therapeutic Neuroscience11< 3
MSc Clinical Embryology3< 3
MSc Clinical Trials (PT)< 3< 3
MSc Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
MSc Cognitive Evolutionary Anthropology3< 3
MSc Comparative Social Policy30< 3
MSc Contemporary Chinese Studies861922.09%
MSc Criminology and Criminal Justice8< 3
MSc Digital Scholarship
MSc Economic and Social History17317.65%
MSc Economics for Development50918.00%
MSc Education (Child Dev and Ed)701217.14%
MSc Education (Comp and Int Ed)9866.12%
MSc Education (Digital and Social Change)
MSc Education (Higher Education)371129.73%
MSc Education (Research Des and Meth)271140.74%
MSc Education (Research Design and Methodology) PT< 3< 3
MSc Educational Assessment4375.00%
MSc Energy Systems4536.67%
MSc Energy Systems (24 Months)
MSc Energy Systems (36 Months)
MSc English Local History
MSc Environmental Change and Management41< 3
MSc Evidence-Based Health Care< 3< 3
MSc Evidence-Based Soc Int and Pol Eva17< 3
MSc Experimental and Translational Therapeutics< 3< 3
MSc Financial Economics447408.95%
MSc Genomic Medicine
MSc Global Governance and Diplomacy20< 3
MSc Global Health Science and Epidemiology39< 3
MSc Global Healthcare Leadership (PT)
MSc History of Sci, Med and Tech3< 3
MSc in Applied Digital Health
MSc in International Human Rights Law
MSc Integrated Immunology15320.00%
MSc International Health & Tropical Medicine6< 3
MSc Japanese Studies15746.67%
MSc Latin American Studies3< 3
MSc Law and Finance521223.08%
MSc Learning and Teaching
MSc Major Programme Management7457.14%
MSc Math Mod and Scientific Computing7468.11%
MSc Mathematical & Theoretical Physics37616.22%
MSc Mathematical and Computational Finance1763922.16%
MSc Mathematical Finance
MSc Mathematical Sciences1032524.27%
MSc Maths and Fndns of Computer Science17317.65%
MSc Medical Anthropology4< 3
MSc Medical Education (PT)
MSc Microelec, Optoelec, and Comms - PT
MSc Migration Studies13< 3
MSc Modelling for Global Health
MSc Modern Middle Eastern Studies3< 3
MSc Modern South Asian Studies4< 3
MSc Nanotechnology for Medicine and Health Care< 3< 3
MSc Nature, Society and Environmental Governance23< 3
MSc Neuroscience17< 3
MSc Neuroscience (1+3)19< 3
MSc Pharmacology30620.00%
MSc Political Theory Research< 3< 3
MSc Precision Cancer Medicine (PT)3< 3
MSc Psychological Research (Direct Entry)38< 3
MSc Public Policy Research
MSc Radiation Biology (1+3)< 3< 3
MSc Radiation Biology (Direct Entry)8787.50%
MSc Refugee and Forced Migration Studies< 3< 3
MSc Russian and East European Studies< 3< 3
MSc Sleep Medicine
MSc Social Anthropology331030.30%
MSc Social Data Science8544.71%
MSc Social Data Science (1+3)4< 3
MSc Social Science of the Internet58813.79%
MSc Social Science of the Internet (1+3)5< 3
MSc Social Science of the Internet (PT)< 3< 3
MSc Sociology652233.85%
MSc Software and Systems Security
MSc Software Engineering< 3< 3
MSc Statistical Science2784616.55%
MSc Sustainability, Enterprise and the Environment
MSc Sustainable Urban Development4< 3
MSc Taxation
MSc Teacher Education4< 3
MSc Theoretical and Comp Chemistry10550.00%
MSc Theoretical and Comp Chemistry (EPSRC CDT)
MSc Translational Health Sciences
MSc Translational Health Sciences (PT)< 3< 3
MSc Visual, Material and Museum Anthrop25624.00%
MSc Water Science, Policy and Management22< 3
MSc(Res) Biochemistry14< 3
MSc(Res) Chemical Biology< 3< 3
MSc(Res) Clinical Neurosciences
MSc(Res) Engineering Science431023.26%
MSc(Res) Experimental Psychology (Direct Entry)< 3< 3
MSc(Res) Inorganic Chemistry< 3< 3
MSc(Res) Materials28< 3
MSc(Res) Mathematics5< 3
MSc(Res) Molecular and Cellular Medicine3< 3
MSc(Res) Musculoskeletal Sciences< 3< 3
MSc(Res) Oncology4< 3
MSc(Res) Organic Chemistry3< 3
MSc(Res) Pharmacology< 3< 3
MSc(Res) Physical and Theoretical Chemistry3< 3
MSc(Res) Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics< 3< 3
MSc(Res) Psychiatry< 3< 3
MSc(Res) Statistics14< 3
MSc(Res) Surgical Sciences< 3< 3
MSc(Res) Women's and Reproductive Health< 3< 3



